Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Digital Storytelling

What is Digital Storytelling?

From what I have learnt from the site indicated for us to view I have found that Digital storytelling is oral storytelling combined with the use of modern multimedia tools to help deliver tales using images, sound, music, and voice. It brings out the creators views and perspectives of a certain story that is being relayed to an audience.
These stories begin in the old traditional way of being written on paper or orally spoken then are transformed into a digital format through the use of computers and digital cameras.

During this process the Essential Learnings are used througout the learning process, the students;

Construct a story
Sequence and Summarize
Edit and Proofread
Use descriptive words
Use words to create imagery

Show clear expression and enunciation
Learn projecting and phrasing
Communicate ideas
Engage the audience
Match images with voice
Match music with script


Technical Skills
Personal Development Skills
Implement DS software
Use a digital camera/video camera
Scan pictures and objects
Record voice and music
Import Internet Images

Enhance self-confidence
Build community
Establish observational skills
Develop social skills

Dyck, Brenda. "Digital Storytelling: Igniting New Life into Writing." Classroom Connect Newsletter (2005): 16-17.

What a great concept, What a great way to encourage writing and creativeness in the classroom. Using these skills would cover most of Gardener's Multiple Intelligences and learning styles (2003) for learning, bringing certain confidence to any student in the classroom.

This Learning Tool could be used in many ways, documenting a field trip is a great collobrative learning lesson, telling their own story if they are from a different country, an ancestry / family Tree documentation, one example that I remembered was from one of my earlier Blogs was the story told by the students from Aurukun school - "Voices from the Cape part 1 & 2" (click on the story below)

Prensky (2001) states that digital immigrants find it difficult to engage with technology, but this was not the case with Aurukun as you will see once you view the storyclip. Prensky (2005) also states that students are challenging us to engage them not to enrage them, and this is what Aurukun school and community recognised and came up with a framework design that Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) refer to; a framework for technology-based teaching and learning set about engaging them by trying something different but something that was real, relevant, self-directed, full of self-discovery that was about them and involved cognitive processes such as creating, problem-solving, reasoning,decision making and evaluation . The staff and trainers engaged in using another Learning Design Framework (Oliver 1999) which consisted of Learning support, Learning Tasks and Learning Resources; the trainers to train, what was expected of them to make - a story about themselves and the equipment to be utilised.

I have always wondered how to make these storytelling videos, first you must have a video, mine I think is a little old. It would be great to see the many personalities of all the students come through and possibly those who are normally quiet may show a new view of themselves. A great colloborative learning tool with lots of fun.



Gardener, H. (1983). Howard Gardener's multiple intelligences. Retrieved August 20, from,

Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B. (1998). Engagement Theory. Retrieved August 20, from,

Oliver, R. (1999). Exploring strategies for on-line teaching and learning. Distance Education, 20(2), 240-254.

Prensky, M. (2005). Engage Me or Enrage Me - What today's learners demand. Retrieved August 20, from,

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Retrieved August 20, from,,%20Digital%20Immigrants%

Queensland Studies Authoriy (QSA), Queensdland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (2007), Essential Learnings. Retrieved August 20, from


  1. Hi Wendy,

    Yes. You are correct, digital storytelling is the integration of traditional oral storytelling and the use of modern technologies, to provide an engaging way to learn about both the technologies and the story.

    I can see why this would be engaging to students, as even an old didital immigrant like myself is engaged, but I guess in saying that much, it doesn't take that much to engage me considering all of this is new to me.

    Chat soon,

  2. Hello Wendy,

    Digital story telling opens up a whole new window of opportunities to learning managers. Like Kellie said it engages not only the digital natives but the immigrants within the industry also.

    I have learnt so many new and exciting technologies and i cannot wait to implement them in a classroom environment. However, what i would really love to see is the digital immigrants that are currently in positions in education take a stand forward and begin to increase their own skills in order to meet the current needs of todays students.

    Until next time,

  3. Hi Wendy,
    We are constantly been told that we have to connect the students to the outside world, now with Reallives, ipods, skype, blogs etc the world is there to be experienced. I feel like I'm in the car, I know where to go but don't have the keys yet! I've gained so much knowledge and can't wait to use it, but don't have the resources to implement it, yet. Personally I've gone from having a toolbox of tools and resources to now having a garden shed of tools. I'm excited about teaching it to my students and opening there minds to other cultures and perspectives through all these amazing technologies.

  4. Hi Girls, thanks for your comments. YEs seeing the way technology is heading and being so embedded in our everyday lives, we can see first hand how we can implement them into the classroom and how engaged the students will become becaus it is familiar and interesting to them. I agree Kerri that the educators of today really need to bring themselves up to speed fairly quickly before they begin to loose the engagement of their students and become enraged instead. I too am looking forward to using many of these applications within my class lessons.
    Thanks Wendy.
