Friday, August 14, 2009

YouTube and TeacherTube

The YouTube (below) that I have chosen is called "Visual Literacy" by deloKarl.
This clip we used in a presentation on Literacy - "Visual Literacy". It displays very little words therefore concentrating on the visual aspect. It enables the watcher to visualise their emotions and explanations. They are able to use their prior knowledge and/or their own experience when looking at the images that are flashed across the screen. It depicts images, which is a form of Literacy, this language has no barriers as there are no words in an image. The old adage of "A picture says a thousand words".

This clip could be utilised in the classroom when explaining Visual Literacy or it could be used in the sense of writing a reflective story about what they see. What did you feel?, why do you think you felt that way? Do you think your prior life experiences help you come to this conclusion and why. It could be used through a pedagogical approach of problem-based learning (CQU 2002), by using real world images for enagement and relatation as Kearsley and Shneiderman (1998) indicate. The task could be set as How would fix this problem?, and so on.

Students could create one of their own by using their own photos of their life, or History - SOSE. e.g. The First World War, sequence of events incorporating the Essential learnings (2007) within the lesson, like the audience aimed at, Time, continuity and Change. It could be a visual instruction manual, a visual and auditory letter or form of contact with other students across the globe; -what an Australian classroom looks and sounds like and what other countries look and sound like. Learning about different cultures. Taking students to another part of the world without leaving their classroom.

YouTubes can be utilised in the classrooms in many ways as an effective learning tool, in all KLA's. It could also be used in a way of a formative and summative assessment.

This effective learning tool could be used as a means to keep students engaged in learning especially those where low attendance is encountered for example Indigenous communities as Aurukun in the Far North used Video Cameras , Digital Cameras and microphones to engage these digital immigrant (Prensky 2001) students and encouraged a higher attendance in school and getting them to create a story about them and their lives. You can see these videos on ABC site called "Voices from the Cape part 1 & 2" (click on the link if you wish to watch). This effective teaching encouraged students to return to the classroom and had the approval of the school and the community which is essential. The students were proud and gained self esteem, confidence and were happy to attend school, which is the outcome that we want. These students were then used as an example to other local communities to show "Look at us, look what we can do" and surprisingly to all involved their literacy skills were much higher than what most people would expect, I know I was certainly surprised at the level of their knowledge, knowing that their attendance is mostly non existant.

It is a very interesting watch and makes you think about what you can do and how to engage students in a more effective way.

Thanks Wendy.

The video above of Kung Fu Panda and Jack Black is an interview which I used last term in the classroom as an example and a hook for a lesson conducted with a year 2/3 composite class in a Toys/ Puppets integrated Unit. Throughout the term the students were to continually analyse and create puppets and toys for a particular audience by way of following a "Procedure" and the use of technology / ICT - incorporating this procedure into a power point and embedding their step by step photos of how to make their chosen toy or puppet. They were also required to make a toy for a prep buddy in which they would be required to conduct an interview with. I utilised this particular YouTube video as an example which we talked about how it was conducted, it's purpose and were the questions clear and were they satisfactorily answered, the position of both parties, voice projection and suitable questions and follow ups of questions answered. We then practiced some pre-prepared interviews between class members, they also were given the opportunity to make up their own and perform them in front of the class if they wished (which they all did with great enthusiasm). The students were not only thoroughly engaged with the video but also through the whole lesson. They conducted their interviews with professionalism and maturity. They were able to gather information required for a suitable toy to be created that was age appropraite, safe which included movement; push or pull.

So in conclusion of the use of Vidoes in the classroom as a learning /teaching tool, I believe is a engaging and effective way to engage the students provided it is appropriate to the subject and cohorts involved.

Thanks Wendy.


Central Queensland University. (2002). Problem-based Learning. Retrieved on August 17, from

Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B. (1998). Engagement Theory. Retrieved August 14, from,

Prensky, M. (2005). Engage Me or Enrage Me - What today's learners demand. Retrieved August 14, from,

Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Retrieved August 14, from,,%20Digital%20Immigrants%

Queensland Studies Authoriy (QSA), Queensdland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework (2007), Essential Learnings. Retrieved August 14, from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy,
    I love this visual literacy clip it is just so powerful and really details what visual literacy is, great find. Your idea to have students make their own clip like the visual literacy one is a great idea as well. It wouldn't be to complected for students and you could use it in any transdiciplinary unit that incorporates ICT. Because students are creating it effectively caters for the 'self- actualization' need from Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
    You have some great ideas Wendy, that probably all of us could use in our classroom.
